144 Transforming Shame - Business Miracles with Heather Dominick
Episode 144

Transforming Shame

Shame is the primary reason that Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders are taken out. Taken out of creating what you want in your business. Taken out of authentically showing up in your relationships. Taken out of fulfilling your life purpose.

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144 Transforming Shame - Business Miracles with Heather Dominick
“Resistance to shifting shame shields and patterns is personally the one primary reason I have seen Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs be taken out.”
~ Heather Dominick

In This Episode

Shame is the primary reason that Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders are taken out. Taken out of creating what you want in your business. Taken out of authentically showing up in your relationships. Taken out of fulfilling your life purpose.

Addressing shame is the ultimate choice point that you are guaranteed to face over and over again on your highly sensitive leadership journey.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to take you out.

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing 5 practical approaches to support you with counteracting the shame spiral so you can learn to recognize, identify and most importantly transform your unconscious, triggered reactions to shame and instead, respond from a place of empowerment and strength.

“Our shame shields are directly connected to our experience of resistance.” – Heather Dominick

Show Notes:

  • How to handle shame
  • Recognizing shame
  • Tips for transforming shame
  • What is a shame shield
  • Identifying the three shame shields
  • Where do shame shields occur
  • Who do shame shields impact
  • Why do shame shields impact Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs more deeply

“Often a trigger is associated to a historical experience versus what’s actually happening in the moment.” – Heather Dominick

Blank and Open Toggle

This is a blank toggle used for closing the first toggle by default and for testing what an open toggle looks like.

Use this for setting the open toggle styles and then hide in CSS using (Module Elements, Main Element):

display: none;


Serious about growing your business?
Schedule a Clarity Call.

If you are ready to truly learn how to create solid, sustainable financial success as a highly sensitive entrepreneur my high mentor recommendation is to schedule a clarity call with a Business Miracles Enrollment Coach. You’ll get the opportunity to talk to someone who just really “gets you”, understands your neurosensitivity and doesn’t try to shame you for the different way you process the world. This is a complimentary call.

Click here to schedule a call