November 9, 2023

Join me on Sovereign Self with Host ZofiaRennea Morales Where We Unlock the Secrets to Creating True Success as an HSP Leader

by Heather Dominick |
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Are you a highly sensitive person looking to make a positive impact in the world but not quite sure why all of the things you’ve been trying just don’t seem to work out the way you envisioned? If you answered yes, you don’t want to miss this podcast interview.

Join me on Sovereign Self with host ZofiaRennea Morales where I’m sharing all about the Top 3 Highly Sensitive Traits that set Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders up to be successful – in business, and life.

Listen in as we unlock the secrets to creating true highly sensitive leadership success such as:

  1. why becoming friends with time is essential
  2. how to manage overwhelm
  3. why Highly Sensitive Leadership is more important than ever.

We’re also covering hot button topics such as why everyone ISN’T meant to be a leader and what would prevent a highly sensitive from leading in their business and life.

Tune in for insightful and practical tips to help Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders (just like you!) succeed.

Struggling with business and leadership overwhelm?

Reaching your business goals with ease, inspiration and calm takes consistent choice/action to shift from awareness, to understanding, and into knowing (what I call the AUK Transformation Process) – and it very rarely happens without accountability and support. Many other HSP entrepreneurs just like you are working to manage overwhelm, burnout, and other day-to-day challenges with business operations and marketing as a highly sensitive entrepreneur.

My high mentor recommendation is to schedule a complimentary clarity call with either myself or a very capable and uniquely trained-by-me member of the Business Miracles coach team. This is an opportunity to have one of the most eye-opening conversations you’ve ever had – without any attachment to the outcome – just a chance to connect with someone who “gets” you.

Get clear on your best next steps and see if The Highly Sensitive Leadership Training Program is the right container of support for you. You can create more business and life success with less effort while also making more income and impact in the world.

Receive the HSP expert support you need.