165 Building Your Business Part-Time, Part 1 Featuring Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, Nancy Smith - Business Miracles with Heather Dominick
Episode 165

Building Your Business Part-Time, Part 1 Featuring Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, Nancy Smith

Welcome to Part 1 of this special three-part episode series of the Business Miracles podcast: Building Your Business Part-Time As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader - You'll be hearing more about my own story of first starting my business part-time to now having been self-employed full-time for 20 years!

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165 Building Your Business Part-Time, Part 1 Featuring Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, Nancy Smith - Business Miracles with Heather Dominick
“We can tend to allow ourselves to kind of chameleon to what somebody else is wanting or what somebody else is telling us we should want, so there's such power...when you go from the confusion to that clarity...to then begin the rest of the work.”
~ Heather Dominick

In This Episode

Welcome to Part 1 of this special three-part episode series of the Business Miracles podcast: Building Your Business Part-Time As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader – You’ll be hearing more about my own story of first starting my business part-time to now having been self-employed full-time for 20 years! As well as also hearing from select highly sensitive entrepreneurs who are currently creating business success while working their business on a part-time basis – all with more impact, more income, and less effort.


Join me and special guest Nancy Smith, Business Miracles Member, Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur, leader, and owner of Vibrant You Coaching. Nancy’s story is inspiring!  She made the shift from viewing her part-time job as a crutch and feeling the challenge of her focus being divided between what she felt she needed and what she loved – to embracing her part-time job as a support beam for her dreams and allowing it to become a launch pad into the space that she truly wants to be in.


“As highly sensitives we do really well taking a step by step incrementalization process approach to anything that we’re creating.” – Heather Dominick

Show Notes:

  • How did Heather start her business part-time
  • What are some common struggles with part-time work
  • How to make part-time work more meaningful
  • What can you accomplish using energy management tools

“It feels like the journey has been so long, and in, in some ways it feels like I’ve been starting my business over and over and over again.” – Nancy Smith


Links and Resources:

Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/165

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[00:00:02] Welcome to the Business Miracles podcast. I'm Heather Dominick, founder of www.businessmiracles.com and author of the book Different The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution, found at www.differentthebook.com. Since 2010, I've been training Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders from around the globe to work less while making more impact and income by doing things differently. I'm so glad you joined me. Listen in and get ready. Get ready for a shift in the way you view yourself, your work, your life. A business miracle.

[00:00:39] Welcome to the Business Miracles Podcast. This is A Course in Business Miracles podcast, Building Your Business Part-Time, Part one, featuring highly sensitive entrepreneur and leader Nancy Smith. In this special three-part episode series, you'll be hearing more about my own story of first starting my business part-time to now having been self-employed full-time for 20 years. As well as you'll also be hearing from select highly sensitive entrepreneurs who are currently creating business success while working their business on a part-time basis, all with more impact, more income, and less effort. In today's episode, I am just so excited, I'm so excited to be speaking with and connecting with Nancy Smith, who is a Business Miracles member, a highly sensitive entrepreneur and leader and owner of Vibrant You. Coaching Nancy's story is inspiring. She made the shift from viewing her part-time job as a crutch and feeling the challenge of her focus being divided between what she felt she needed and what she loved, to embracing her part-time job as a support beam for her dreams and allowing it to become a launchpad into the space that she truly wants to be in a support being for her dreams.

Heather Dominick:
I just love that so much. So welcome, welcome, Nancy.

Nancy Smith:
Thank you Heather. Thank you for having me here.

Heather Dominick:
Yes. I am just so excited to be having this conversation and I'm so excited to be having this conversation and just this series in general and the inspired idea that I received to have this series really came from the awareness that so many of us as highly sensitive entrepreneurs, I really meant to start our business part-time. Yet there's so much noise on the internet that just, you know, really like hammers home, you know, six figure seven figure success. And that if you don't have that, then you're not successful. And that can just really feel so intimidating and overwhelming and exhausting and kind of have you feeling bad about starting your business part-time. But as I shared, that's exactly how I started and it's how so many of us are really truly meant to start, especially because as highly sensitives we do really well, taking step by step incrementalization process approach to anything that we're creating. And definitely something that's, you know, so significant as starting a business. So, with that said, I would love for you to just start by sharing a brief snapshot of your business, you know, before joining the highly sensitive leadership training programs, maybe what you were struggling with and, and definitely anything around any struggles you've had regarding being part-time.

Nancy Smith:
It feels like the journey has been so long, and in, in some ways it feels like I've been starting my business over and over and over again. 'cause I have my real job. And so, and I like the fact that you said step by step, but I didn't realize that at the time. It just felt like I was either supposed to be doing it or not. Like I was either supposed to be doing my business or being a full-time employee. And so I got tripped up on that several times, and would start my business work, be working with clients and, and then said, oh no, I need to focus on my full-time job. And so then I'd stray away from my, from my coaching business and focus on full-time employment. And I can say that several years, and one, two, probably three jobs later, three jobs later, full-time jobs later, I finally said, no, this is my part-time business is what I want to make be full-time. And then finally committed to doing that.

Heather Dominick:

Nancy Smith:
But, but it, it took a while.

Heather Dominick:
Yes. Yes. I'm so glad that you're speaking to this. And, specifically speaking to that limiting belief, that can really be a catch 22 of it has to be one or the other. Right? And so then really hearing you describe, really getting caught in a place that so many highly sensitives get caught in of that, that kind of gas break experience, right? Which is like, yeah, I've got it all my foot, all my, you know, energy on the gas, go, go, go, and then no break, and then back and forth and back and forth. That also really connects to the highly sensitive coping mechanism of being a combo platter. And it can really feel crazy making. And then, I don't know if this was your experience, but for so many, there's just a lot of beating up on self. That's part of all of that, you know, it's like, why, why can't I get this going forward? So again, I'm so glad that you spoke to that.

Nancy Smith:
Yeah. And, when you say that there's actually kind of shame involved when people would ask me who knew I was doing coaching, and some of them were, were at that time former clients and are you still coaching, not right now, and feel the feel the shame of that and the guilt.

Heather Dominick:
Sure. Oh my God, yes. Thank you so much for speaking to that as well. You know, in the leadership training program, as you know, we just, we have so many tools that are created specifically for managing the shame that comes up as we're bumping up against these limiting beliefs, right? And, and bumping up against the things that we're being told by those out there who are not highly sensitive, how we should be doing things like either all in the business or not. And, and how then that shame just adds to the coping cycle and adds to just an an over all unhelpful spiral, right? Yeah. So to be able to, to manage that shame and, and find our way into a space of both and, where we can be productive and engaged in a transition plan, which is really just what makes so much sense, again, when we go back to that step by step of how to be transitioning from full-time into the business full-time, if that's a choice. Because also in this series, I do wanna speak to some members who have intentionally chosen to have their business part-time, which is valid as well, right?

And I know for myself again, like, you know, I had a, a year, really two years, although the first year and the second year looked different where, you know, I, I was really doing both. I was working full-time and I was in my business part-time. And I just think again, it's so important for there to be validity in that and that it's okay and that it's again about being able to consciously create the transition rather than getting caught in that beating up or that shame that you've spoken about. So share with us then, what changed as you entered into the highly sensitive leadership training program that helped stop the gas break syndrome and helped stop the cycle?

Nancy Smith:
I think for me it was the energy management tools. Specifically the BTT and the OFTU. And I know earlier in the year we did the, created the hatching statements. Yes. And being able to write it, one, get clear OFTU and get clear on what I really wanted. Yeah. And write out the statement saying, this is what I want in 2023. And using the BTT 'cause there were a lot of, limiting beliefs, still, still are, that I have to, work through that I think, I don't think I know, that made me more comfortable and confident in just saying, this is what I want and this is where I wanna go. So to be able to make it clear, clear to myself that full-time employment working for somebody else is not what I really want right now. I want to have the flexibility of time, to have that sense of freedom, over my own, you know, my schedule, what I do, how I do it, be able to be creative, to work with other people and help them, get through their, you know, their, what their challenges are. I wanna spend more time doing that. So that's, I think I know that this what, helped this me to move forward.

Heather Dominick:
Amazing. Yeah. Amazing. So I'm just gonna take a moment for listeners who are like, oh my gosh, what language are they speaking? I know what these letters are that they're saying. They're saying OFTU and BTTs and hatching statements. So, what's just most important to emphasize that Nancy's speaking about is the power of the energy management tools that we teach in the leadership training programs and the OFTU is a tool that's really about moving from confusion into clarity. And that's what's so beautiful that you really went through that process intentionally and made the decision, yes, this is what I want. And it sounds so simple, but I literally just got chills, is it's actually so profound and so powerful, especially for those of us who are highly sensitive, where we can tend to allow ourselves to kind of chameleon to what somebody else is wanting or what somebody else is telling us we should want. So there's such power, and that's why that OFTU, which stands for Order Form to the Universe, when you go from the confusion to that clarity is so powerful and foundational to then begin the rest of the work, which I heard you speak to, which the BTT is about belief transformation.

Heather Dominick:
So transforming those limiting beliefs, the, you know, yeah. Buts and the what ifs and the doubts. And I can't actually do it even though I'm clear that I want it. It's like once we get clear, there's actually then additional process, additional work to be done to then be able to even enter into something like the hatching statement where as a community, we really created these strong statements to support us in the 2023 year, which is still kind of tumultuous, right? There's so much that's in turmoil for so many people, and we have to make a conscious choice to remain strong. So you have that clarity, you have that belief transformation, and you have the ongoing support of, yes, this is what I want to do, this is who I want to become as part of this year, you and I have also been engaging in a project focus

Nancy Smith:
Yes. And.

Heather Dominick:
Meeting program within the programs. And I've seen like some tremendous things happen for you. So I'd love for you to just speak about, you know, some of what you're excited about, some of what you have accomplished from this clarity and belief transformation and, and, yeah, like where you see yourself going from here.

Nancy Smith:
Where I see myself going, um, just growing further. It's what I've accomplished. I've actually did resign from my job and I wouldn't necessarily advise that for everybody, but I just felt I was in the right space and time to be able to do this. Now, so it's, and now I'm going to focus on creating my business, and in, and probably reformatting it, just based on the trainings and the guidance receiving from, Business Miracles. It's, I should be nervous and I should be like worried. And, I am excited. I'm, yes, there's, you know, I do get into the scarcity thinking, but I can get myself out of it more quickly. So I'm excited for my future, about what, what I can develop in my business. 'Cause what it was before that was Nancy before. And so what does Nancy want to, to give to other people now? Or how do I wanna serve others now? I'm, I'm in some ways still molding and developing that, and I think that's part of what in Project Focus, I think that's the next step for me in some ways, because I did what I thought was the hard thing. But developing what I want next, is it's gonna be the fun thing, I guess.

Heather Dominick:
Amazing. Yes. Oh my gosh. So fantastic. So just first, yay, and congratulations and not so much congratulations on the resignation, because like you said, that might not be for everybody. Yet we go back to the clarity, right? That's really the celebration as far as I see it, because you're not resigning from a place of resentment. No. You're not resigning from a place of outside pressure. You're not resigning unsupported. But I've really been with you through so much of the process as you really consciously cultivated, coming to the point to really be able to make the decision in a way that is very conscious, again, is very grounded. And also with the way that you chose to have the conversations around the resignation, you know, all very above the line, all very high integrity, you know, Regal Queen, like we, you know, talk about, in the, in the Business Miracles community and the leadership training teachings.

Heather Dominick:
And that's really the celebration because from that type of consciously created decision, then it makes sense to me that you feel excited, right? So when you say like, oh, I should be more nervous, it's like, well, yes. And of course there's those little tingles, like you said, but when it is so consciously created, it's not gonna be infused with that nervous system flooding, right. And overwhelm. Yeah. And then the other piece, is the accountability, which I didn't hear you use that word specifically, but because you and I have been going through the project focus process together, I, I have a sense, and definitely feel free to say no, that's totally not it, Heather. But I've had the sense that you, you have been held through the process in that sense of accountability and not just kind of out there flailing on your own. So is how you've been able to come to that decision. And now also how you see, oh, what my coaching business was before this is actually different than what I want it to be now. And so I can take that conscious creation and I can now apply it to how I wanna shape my coaching business as I go forward. Is is, is there a sense that I'm spot on there?

Nancy Smith:
Yeah. Or not? Yes. No, no, absolutely. Because it's, through project focus, and then individual coaching that I get the guidance. Like I'll, like, I'll say, well, I'd like to do this. Then you get, I get the okay. And or maybe not so fast. Like right now I'm getting maybe slow down 'cause I feel like I should be, I need to do, should the shoulds and musts are coming up and it's like, no, just slow down. Slow down. And again, I guess that's another moment of getting clear of what, what it is that I want the next, and it doesn't have to be a year, but even the next 30 days to look like. Yeah. So yeah, just, just slow down.

Heather Dominick:
Yeah. And

Nancy Smith:
That's, and that, and that's, that can be hard.

Heather Dominick:
Oh, oh my gosh, yes. Absolutely. I just got chills again as I'm listening to you, I'm like, that is just so valuable what you're sharing, because what I really hear you speaking to is pace over pressure, right? And we're socialized especially by the other 80% who tend to do better with pressure as motivation than those of us who are highly sensitive. So being able to pace oneself so that we can stay on sustainable process and progress right on the upward, you know, kind of ascension path, versus pressure, pressure, pressure crash, right? So that's just what I really hear you speaking to, which makes sense of why slow down feels clear and can be really challenging, right? Because you're literally like reprogramming how the nervous system is operating. So it's amazing and I'm so glad that, that you spoke to that. I'm excited for you. Okay. I'm excited to see what your coaching business evolves into, especially with everything that I've just seen you learn and seen you implement and the ways that I've seen you develop for yourself. So I just have a sense that vibrant you coaching is, is gonna be more vibrant than ever.

Heather Dominick:
So you, again, so much for being willing to share your story. I think it's so important that we are talking about this and that we're talking about this especially now in these times, when again, there's so much that can feel so volatile, that it doesn't have to be all or nothing. And, it definitely doesn't have to be done alone. So I'd love for you to share, and if you're ready, where, where listeners can find out more about what you're doing and what you're creating and what vibrant you coaching is, is evolving into,

Nancy Smith:
Coaching can be found on Facebook. Like, but like I said, it's evolving. So what you see there now is, will probably change. Yes. Most likely. Yes. My website is actually down because that will be changing. But definitely, in Facebook and Vibrant you coaching LinkedIn, Nancy Smith, and those are, yeah, those, those are the places people can find me.

Heather Dominick:
So great. So great. Like, I'm literally like, I am just bowing to you right now.

Nancy Smith:

Heather Dominick:
There's so many people who wouldn't even come and have this conversation with me without the perfect website. It's just truly so divine. It really is. It's like, yes, you can find Nancy Smith on LinkedIn, you can find Nancy Smith and Vibrant You coaching on Facebook. Her website is in progress and it's all okay. So thank you so much again for just being an inspiration. I know to so many who are listening, I just adore mentoring and being able to be a part of your process and I'm so grateful for this conversation today.

Nancy Smith:
Thank you, Heather. I, I'm, I am grateful for all that I've learned and the more to come, um, as I continue with the program and project focus, ah, I'm so appreciative.

Heather Dominick:
Yeah. Alright, beautiful. And thank you for listening in today and, um, until our next Business Miracles connection. Until next time.

[00:25:35] Thank you for being a part of this Business Miracles podcast episode and for beginning to dip your toe into the journey of highly sensitive leadership training. If you are ready to truly use your sensitivities as strengths in all parts of your work and life, I invite you to connect for a one on one chat. You will experience being deeply listened to and together we'll get a sense of whether the Highly Sensitive Leadership Training Programs are the best next step for you and your highly sensitive journey at this time. Just go to www.claritycall.com to schedule a conversation. We so look forward to connecting with you. Talk to you soon!


Nancy Smith

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