Welcome to Part 2 of this special three-part episode series of the Business Miracles podcast: Building Your Business Part-Time As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader – You’ll be hearing more about my own story of first starting my business part-time to now having been self-employed full-time for 20 years! As well as also hearing from select highly sensitive entrepreneurs who are currently creating business success while working their business on a part-time basis – all with more impact, more income, and less effort.
Listen in to hear how Laura Smith, Business Miracles Member, Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur, Leader, and Owner of Children’s Mindset LLC, shifted out of her insecurity, fear, and her HSE Coping Mechanism of Hiding by not only embracing but unleashing her Highly Sensitive Strengths of Creativity and Intuition to create a part-time business that allows her to enjoy spending more time with her recently retired husband while still following her heart guidance and passion for helping children – from a place of excitement and fun rather than pressure and stress.
“I’m a perfectionist as a highly sensitive and I had a lot of shame and guilt wrapped around not working, not hustling as the trendy term is, believing that if I wasn’t hustling or working hard constantly, I would never be successful.” – Laura Smith
Show Notes:
- What is the Quantum Leap Retreat
- How to transform insecurity
- What is the Coping Mechanism of Hiding
- Does part-time work make sense
- What are the pros of working on your passion part-time
“It’s okay for me to create a schedule that works with my highly sensitive nervous system in a way that is not going to push me back or my business back, but actually accelerate me forward.” – Laura Smith
Links and Resources:
- Connect with Laura Smith:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/childrensmindset
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/childrensmindset
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/childrensmindset
- Listen to the Business Miracles Podcast Episode 165: Building Your Business Part-Time, Part 1 Featuring Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, Nancy Smith: https://www.businessmiracles.com/165
Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/166